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And in the blink of an eye
my life changed FOREVER....

June 12, 2022 a hit-and-run accident changed my life. This page document and shares my journey toward recovery, redemption, and a new life. 

"The race is not given to the swift or to the strong, but to the one who endures to the end."Ecclesiastes 9:11

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Prior to the accident, life was great. Six months before the accident I relocated to Memphis from Detroit as ABC 24's newest Senior Morning Producer. Six days before the accident I bought a new car. I was getting to know the amazing city and all it had to offer a single and adventurous young woman.  I quickly went from chasing and telling stories, as a news producer, to becoming one myself.

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Just 25 days before my 31st birthday a horrible and near fatal accident changed my life. A hit-and-run driver, sideswiped my vehicle. The impact caused my car to crash into the concrete median on a busy Memphis highway.  The car accident caused multiple broken bones. Both of my ankles were crushed, I had a broken rib, a broken shoulder, a cracked tooth, and numerous fractures. I underwent three surgeries and stayed a total of 16 days in the hospital. 

I was released from the hospital on June 28, 2022. I remember the day the ambulance team carried me upstairs in in a makeshift body bag. My legs fresh out of surgery and cast wrapped for protection. I could not walk. My new normal became countless pain medications, a bedside toilet, and wheelchair I struggled and hated using.


My intimate moments were thrust into the public eye. My independence snatched! I needed people to survive day to day.

Thankfully, I had my mom, family, friends, and colleagues by my side. They were ready to help me adjust and supported me on my journey to recovery. From countless doctor appointments, trips to the ER and painful physical therapy, and lots of relearning what I once did without having to think about it.

Here are two articles that you can read about my accident: Article #1 & Article #2 

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June 6, 2022

June 12, 2022

June 13, 2022

June 16, 2022

June 21, 2022

June 28, 2022

July 7, 2022

September 9, 2022

September 19, 2022

November 30, 2022

January 11, 2023

February 4, 2023

April 10, 2023

Purchased a new car

The accident happened

1st surgery at Regional One Trauma Center

2nd surgery

3rd surgery

Released from hospital.

31st Birthday

Took first steps

Diagnosed by Mental Health Therapist with depression, anxiety and beginning  stages of PTSD

Switched from Ortho Boot to real shoes

Ditched wheel chair and walker for a  cane

First time out with friends since accident

Cleared to walk without cane unless needed

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With my new found perspective the accident it was the best thing that could have happened to me.


Ever heard the bible verse  "The race is not given to the swift or to the strong, but to the one who endures to the end."Ecclesiastes 9:11? This is a verse that is dear to me and sums up my journey perfectly.  I've had to learn to learn how to walk again, regain muscles and muscle strength, all while overcoming the trauma of nearly dying. After being bound to a wheel chair for months I was finally able to take my first step on September 9, 2022, and for the most part I am able to get around and drive without assistance.


My life since the accident has pushed my endurance and spirit to heights. It gave me a testimony that needs to be shared. Reality smacked me square in the face and and my scars remind me that we're all on borrowed time so just go for it. I know I am. If crashing into a concrete wall didn't kill me with the grace of God nothing can!

During my recovery, I was led to re-launch my podcast Amythe7th. The goal of my podcast is to give motivation, inspiration , and hope to the world as I share the story and experience the stories of those who share how they handle their tragedies, setbacks, disappointments, and problems with charm and grace.

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Medical bills are mounting and recovering is becoming more and more expensive.  I'm open and extremely appreciative of anyone who feels compelled to support me. I currently have a Go Fund Me that is accepting donations.  Any amount helps.

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Would you like to connect with me, send me words of encouragement, share a resource, or tell your story?  If so send me an email. I would love to hear from you!

© 2023 by Tae Harbor Studios

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